March 19, 2024

Two Places At Once

"He was worn out by his lifelong need to be in two places at once: in his body and out of his body, on the bed and on the curtain pole, in the vein and in the barrel, one eye behind the eyepatch and one eye looking at the eyepatch, trying to stop observing by becoming unconscious, and then forced to observe the fringes of unconsciousness and make marges visible; cancelling every effort but spoiling apathy with restlessness; drawn to puns but repelled by the virus of ambiguity; inclined to divide sentencing in half, pivoting them on the qualification of a 'but', but longing to unwind his coiled tongue like a gecko's and catch a distant fly with unwavering skill; desperate to escape the self-subversion of irony and say what he really meant, but really meaning what only irony could convey."

                                                                            E. St. A.